Your Brain On Exercise

Psychological benefits of a good workout session.  
You want to read this, it's the best drug out there! Everyone knows that time spent in the gym will help to get better abs, a firm butt, and eventually lead to weight loss and muscle gains but we often don't think about what it does to our mind. Some people seek a therapist, other read self help books, but what will help you more than you think is vigorous exercise. I am not saying to stop doing what works for you, but you can add exercise and feel the benefits. Studies have shown that exercise can help to benefit people with depression. 

I have always loved this quote from legally blonde. It's about an exercise instructor who is suspected of murder. Reese Witherspoon (Elle Woods), is the lawyer responsible for the case and she pleads her fighting case with this. "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands, the just don't." The point is when you take time out of each day to get the blood flowing it gives your mind a much needed break. Vigorous activity is ideal for releasing chemicals in the brain (serotonin and endorphins) that make you happy. While a vigorous workout is best, something is always better than nothing. Yoga, massage, a walk along the canal, are all more relaxing ways to give your mind a break. I genuinely find my training time to be the best part of my day! It's like a drug that puts you on top of the world. 

Don't pencil in your workout use a sharpie, you will LITERALLY be happy you did. 

xoxo Natalie 


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